
Daily Mail and Sun cut US editorial positions

Daily Mail and Sun cut US editorial positions

Two of Britain’s largest newspaper publishers, UK News And DMGTare making major job cuts across their U.S. digital operations, it was announced Friday.

According to Sky Newsthe editors of the Sun and the Daily Mail had launched internal restructuring which would result in layoffs affecting a significant number of employees.

News UK, part of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, has launched the US edition of Sun online four years ago, employing around a hundred people on its American platform.

While SkyCompany sources said a significant proportion of staff would be affected, but one representative denied that the layoffs reached 80%.

DMGT, the owner of the Daily Maillaunched in the US market in 2010.

The company now employs about 200 people in the United States, down from about 260 seven years ago.

An insider said Sky News that nearly 10% of its American workforce would be laid off.

“THE Sun of the United States has been an incredibly successful business, generating billions of page views,” a spokesperson said. Sun said Sky News.

“However, the digital landscape has undergone seismic shifts over the past 12 months, and we need to reset the strategy and right-size the team to ensure the long-term sustainable future of the business. Sun“‘s business in the United States.”

Similarly, a spokesperson for Associated Newspapers, the DMGT subsidiary that publishes the Daily Mailsaid the company had made a “small number” of job cuts in some areas of its U.S. editorial department.

“It was a difficult but necessary decision, which will allow us to continue investing in areas where we can grow our audience.”

Josh White reports for