
Dear Abby: Should I Meet the Guy I Met on Facebook? He’s 30 Years Younger

Dear Abby: Should I Meet the Guy I Met on Facebook? He’s 30 Years Younger

Dear Abby: I met a young man on Facebook. He is a philanthropist and we have been talking for over six months. He is kind and sweet and tells me he loves me. He works all over the world as an interior designer and will be returning to the United States in a few weeks.

The problem is that I am 30 years older than him. He has seen pictures of me and thinks I am beautiful and a good woman. I am stressed about meeting him because he wants to live his life with me, even though I have told him about all my health problems. Please help me. I have tried to end this relationship because of the age difference, but he is very upset, so we continue. I care about him. What should I do?

—Georgia Chatter

Dear Waffling: Be very careful! Even if you have been communicating with him within the last six months, he may not be “quite” the person he claims to be. Don’t make any commitments until you have met him in person. Remain skeptical and don’t give him money for ANY reason, because things that seem too good to be true often are.

Dear Abby: I am dating a single father who has a teenage daughter who lives with him full-time. His daughter’s mother lives in the same town but rarely sees her. Mom doesn’t want me to meet her daughter and has offered to take her to live with her.

Six months later, my mother still hasn’t made the decision to have her daughter live with her. Because of this, I no longer spend time at my boyfriend’s house, and it’s driving a wedge between us. We’ve been dating for a year and a half, and now I’m at my wit’s end. HELP!

—Waiting in New Jersey

Dear Waiting: Your boyfriend’s relationship with the mother of his child is not healthy. She doesn’t have custody of his daughter and she shouldn’t dictate who you introduce her to. Ask him if he still feels the same way about you as he did six months ago. If he says yes, suggest you see a marriage counselor because you feel like his ex has driven a wedge between you. His answer should indicate where your relationship is headed.

Dear Abby: My brother lost his wife of over 30 years to COVID. Since we live in multiple states and I have significant chronic health issues of my own, I haven’t been able to spend as much time with him as I would have liked.

I call him often to check on him, but I wish I could do more to help him through his grief. The first anniversary of his death is coming up and I’m not sure how to handle it. Any advice is welcome.

—Checking in the East

Dear Checking: Since your health issues prevent you from traveling to see your brother, why not invite him to come visit you? This way, you could support him and offer him a therapeutic change of scenery. If that is not possible, the next best thing would be to video chat with him, which would allow you to meet him face-to-face from time to time.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or POBox 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.