
Vote yes on Issue 1 to end the extreme gerrymandering in Ohio

Vote yes on Issue 1 to end the extreme gerrymandering in Ohio

During the past decade, Ohio has been ranked among the 10 most gerrymandered states in the country, which means we vote for our representatives using unfair and, in some cases, unconstitutional district maps.

This fall, we have another opportunity to create fair districts by voting yes on Issue 1. We can remove politicians and lobbyists from the map-making process, but only if we ignore the confusion created by those officeholders who have the most to lose with the passage of Issue 1, the Ohio Citizens Not Politicians Act.

The language of Issue 1 is straightforward: a “yes” vote will put a group of citizens, not politicians or lobbyists, in charge of map-making: five independents, five Democrats, and five Republicans. The proposed amendment identifies the criteria and a transparent, public process for drawing both congressional and state legislative districts. Issue 1 includes details to avoid the manipulation exercised by those politicians now in the majority across all branches of state government, manipulation that includes a deceptive summary of Issue 1 itself.

Confusion is the objective of those who refuse to cede control. But Ohio voters should not and cannot be misled or apathetic. Remember that a yes vote on Issue 1 will create fair districts and end the extreme gerrymandering that has led to unaccountable and unresponsive elected officials.

Learn more about Issue 1, including a list of bipartisan endorsements, at

Enough is enough. Vote yes on Issue 1.

Cynthia Burnell, Plain Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: LETTER: Vote yes on Issue 1 to end the extreme gerrymandering in Ohio