IMAP problem also on previous iOS 18.0.1 ›

IMAP problem also on previous iOS 18.0.1 ›

Mail app IMAP issue in iOS 18 is bigger at first. This updated update from Apple was released on iOS 18.0.1 without any updates. Im Gegenteil: Die Berichte diesbezüglich häufen sich und werden drastischer.

IMAP is designed for “Internet Message Access Protocol” and is a standard for mail server communication. Also, Apple’s email response follows this protocol, a new email is abzurufen or the mail package is synchronized with the email server.

Read or send email to E-Mails

Bereits directly nach der Freigabe of iOS 18 haben iPhone- and iPad-Besitzer darüber berichtet, dass es Probleme bei der IMAP-Kommunikation with external Mail-Servern gibt. This is true for all of us. Often only a number of emails were sent or the latest data in the email application was also entered with the correct reading.

Mail Gesendet Postfach Read

The settings that will run after installation will run when iOS 18.0.1 runs smoothly. Even if it is not considered as a result of storage generation, you will no longer be synchronized with the IMAP server and will no longer be synchronized with the unknown device.

Nachrichten verschwinden aus Postfächern

Ein Leser wrote some, dass ein Postfach, on the Mac more Hundert E-Mails were used, on the Mail-App on ​​iPhone it took more emails to be sent. Another Nutzer is so secure that the emails of your complete postal emails are verschwunden and also of the Mail-Server des Anbieters gelöscht wurden.

When sachet with the coolest emails is a security issue for iOS, it is designed for iOS 18 in one or another general problem with the issue of troubleshooting the IMAP post report and the location where the emails- mails are generated.

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