
Russian ministers kicked out of conference room after diplomatic misstep in Pyongyang

Before the bilateral meeting between the delegations of Russia and North Korea, broadcast live on official television on Wednesday June 19, the Moscow team was unceremoniously expelled for having entered the conference room before the two leaders , according to a report. in the Moscow Times.

It is apparently customary on such occasions to wait to be summoned by Kim Jong Un after he enters with his chief guest.

Seven ministers plus support staff of the Russian mission, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov and Deputy Prime Ministers Vitaly Savelyev and Alexander Novak, as well as Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko and Roscosmos head Yuri Borisov. were shown entering the room, preparing for the meeting and taking their seats.

Lavrov apparently began complaining about being smeared by something, when a North Korean official was heard off-camera telling them to stop what they were doing and leave the room, saying: “We have a protocol. We invite you to the table. Our leaders will join us shortly.

As a member of the Russian delegation began to object, the broadcast abruptly ended and was replaced by (presumably previous footage) of a now empty conference room.

The broadcast then resumed to show Kim and Putin entering, followed by their delegations. Together, they signed a strategic mutual defense treaty that Putin said was a “breakthrough.”

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Vietnam and Russia have had close ties since the 1950s, but Hanoi is unlikely to give Putin the public pledge of “full support” for Ukraine that he received from the North’s leader. Korean Kim Jong Un.

Kim said Putin was “the Korean people’s dearest friend” and declared his “full support and solidarity with the Russian government” in its war in Ukraine.

Putin, in turn, thanked the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) for its “constant and unwavering” support and called for a review of the UN sanctions regime that bans arms supplies and purchases to to and from Pyongyang.