
Deadpool 3 Director Reveals Drug Joke Was Inspired by Real Conversation

One of the most memorable parts of the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer was a fourth wall break about how the movie may be about drug use, but it turns out that was based on a real conversation.

Deadpool 3 pulls no punches with its crude marketing, but it’s still beholden to the MCU’s wishes. A scene in the first trailer alludes to this when, at Wade’s birthday party, Blind Al casually asks Wade if he wants to do illegal drugs.

“Hey! Cocaine is the only thing Feige said was banned! Deadpool said to Al in a hushed whisper.

(Scene starts at 2:18)

The following is a joke about the two debated alternative names for cocaine that were also reportedly shot down by the real Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, including “Bolivian marching powder”, “disco dust”, and “do you want to build?” a snowman.”

According to director Shawn Levy, this joke stemmed from a real conversation he had with Kevin Feige about how Deadpool and Wolverine might reference drug use.

“I’m really wary of what I can say, but there were definitely early discussions about overt drug use,” Levy told Total Film. “And we thought it was an interesting conversation.” Let’s actually write a dialogue scene about experiencing it.

Deadpool & Wolverine has of course already made history as potentially the most daring MCU film yet, earning an R rating in line with its last outing with two stars. This also builds on that memo, including a vulgar PSA chastising fans who didn’t silence their phones.

But that didn’t stop it from being the source of a little controversy, especially since the trailers had to censor certain aspects, such as the logline of the same trailer.

Regardless of the controversy, the film is already breaking records and is expected to be one of the biggest releases of the summer. Maybe there just aren’t as many instances of Deadpool using “Forest bump” as its stars had hoped.

Deadpool & Wolverine hits theaters July 26. In the meantime, read all about the Deadpool creator’s mysterious Disney beef or where to find the Deadpool & Wolverine friendship necklace.