
Sorensen Announces $8.6 Million Grant for Local Children’s Education | My status line

ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) — Congressman Eric Sorensen announced a nearly $8.6 million grant for the City of Rockford to administer early childhood education to families in Northern Illinois.

“Ensuring our children have access to the classroom is a critical step in putting our children on a path to success,” Sorensen said. “I’m proud to see our tax dollars come back to my hometown of Rockford to support working families in Northern Illinois and help our region grow.”

The grant comes from the Department of Health and Human Services and will be used specifically for the city’s Head Start program.

“I want to thank Congressman Sorensen for his strong advocacy for Rockford,” said Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara.. “More than $8 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will flow to Rockford to help our local Head Start program, which provides free services to pregnant mothers, children and their families on a full-time, full-time basis partial and at home. based and center-based services.

Head Start is a national program that serves more than 36 million children.