
PL MPs wasted their votes to send a silent message, says Neville Gafà

PL campaigner Neville Gafà said a number of Labor MPs had gone so far as to waste their votes in the MEP and local council elections in order to send a message to the current administration.

“I spoke to a number of PL deputies, some of whom I was never close to,” said Gafa’, a former confidant of Joseph Muscat.

“They all shared the same feeling that fear reigns within the PL, that no one ever speaks out unless they have laudatory words and that critics face threats.”

“I was particularly impressed by the way a number of MPs admitted to me that they had wasted their votes because they sincerely believed that the PL had been taken over by a clique of people, that the government had committed itself to the wrong way and wanted to send a message silently.

“When you hear this, it becomes easier to understand why the PL lost over 30,000 votes, with thousands of people wasting their votes like these MPs did and thousands more who didn’t. didn’t vote at all.”

“Not only has the PL lost public sympathy, but it has also lost that of a certain number of its deputies. And yet, it’s business as usual at party headquarters.”

Gafà has criticized the PL since the electoral shock earlier this month and called for the resignations of PL CEO Randolph De Battista and strategist Alexander Balzan.

Do you think the PL has lost public sympathy?