
Minister Jam Kamal challenges unfair distribution of development funds in Balochistan

Commerce Minister Jam Kamal raised questions over unfair distribution of PSDP funds allocated to Balochistan.

In a tweet, Federal Commerce Minister Jam Kamal Khan raised the issue.

Balochistan Chief Minister Sarfraz Bugti should review the unfair distribution of funds under the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP).

It is inappropriate to allocate billions of rupees to unelected individuals, influential decision-makers and specific senators.

A significant portion of the funds goes to those who are not elected representatives, Jam Kamal Khan said.

People who lost the last elections and are not accountable to the public are being given funds, Jam Kamal Khan said.

Members of the National Assembly and elected members of the Provincial Assembly should propose schemes for their constituencies before their constituents, Jam Kamal Khan added.

“Apolitical individuals are favoured over MPs and MLAs elected through public vote,” Jam Kamal Khan noted.

“If a project worth 500 million is proposed on the recommendation of representatives of each district, projects worth more than a billion are implemented at the insistence of defeated candidates and senators,” he said. said Jam Kamal.

“The Chief Minister of Balochistan should take this demand into strict consideration,” Jam Kamal urged.

“This is not only a humiliation of elected representatives, but also the opening of a new avenue of corruption,” Jam Kamal Khan concluded.