
‘It’s completely unfair’: Mega Rayquaza elite raid highlights Pokémon Go’s biggest drawback in today’s gaming landscape

The recent Mega Rayquaza elite raid is frustrating for Pokémon Go players. Unlike other raid days, which allowed remote participation, these elite raids require in-person attendance. This has made it difficult for players in rural areas or those with small local communities.

Players have reported that their experience with this event has led them to question the developers’ decisions and even uninstall the game. It remains to be seen how Niantic will address these concerns and adapt future events to better accommodate all players.

Pokemon Go Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid Isn’t Making Players Happy Pokemon Go Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid is not getting a good reception. | Image Credit: Niantic

The introduction of Mega Rayquaza as an Elite Raid in the latest Pokemon Go event instead of a standard Mega Raid was criticized for several reasons.

Elite raids require more players due to their higher difficulty and must be completed in person,…