
“It is important to take environmental factors into account”

Are you afraid of the dark? You won’t be afraid anymore after new research examined the worrying impact of light pollution on brain health, as health news service Medical Xpress reports, citing a study published by the American Heart Association.

What is happening?

Chinese researchers studied the adult population of a city for six years, as summarized by Medical Xpress. Study results revealed a significant relationship between light pollution and the increased threat of cerebrovascular disease (a diagnosis defining many conditions, including stroke, that cause problems with blood flow in the brain, according to the Cleveland Clinic).

Participants with “high levels of outdoor light exposure at night” were found to have “a 43 percent increased risk” of developing the disease, Medical Xpress noted.

Why is light pollution a concern?

The word pollution probably brings to mind gloom and dreariness. But a toxic atmosphere can come in a brighter package.

In fact, light pollution can come from simply turning on lights on boats, buildings, and streetlights. While they may be important for safety and navigation, these outdoor fixtures also have unnecessary lighting functions that create three categories of light pollution.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, they are called skyglow (“brightening of the night sky over populated areas”), light intrusion (“light shining where it is not needed or desired”) and glare (“excessive brightness which causes visual discomfort”).

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Light pollution not only disrupts animal migration, darkens the starry sky and irritates our eyes: it also harms our health. According to the nonprofit DarkSky International, melatonin “has antioxidant properties, promotes sleep, strengthens the immune system, reduces cholesterol” and supports the functioning of several organs.

But the new study found that “continued exposure to (artificial) light sources at night” from fluorescent, incandescent and LED lights can “suppress melatonin production…and impair sleep,” Medical Xpress summarizes.

Going forward, “it is important to consider environmental factors” when it comes to public health, noted corresponding author and researcher Jian-Bing Wang in the Medical Xpress report.

What are we doing about this?

Don’t stay in the dark when it comes to protecting your health.

When it comes to outdoor lighting, the National Park Service suggests using light sustainably, from reflective tape to motion sensors to warmer LEDs instead of melatonin-blocking blue light.

Visit Durango recommends turning on fewer lights at home, closing the blinds at night, and turning down the dimmer on your screens (or, better yet, turning off devices completely an hour or two before bed).

As Medical Xpress wrote, the study also found correlations between exposure to other types of pollution and stroke risk. Taking steps to reduce pollution by looking for alternative energy sources, changing your transportation, and educating yourself about climate issues are all steps toward a better future.

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