
Arcane fans consider shutting down subreddit after leaks

Arcane fans consider shutting down subreddit after leaks

Arcane fans consider shutting down subreddit after leaks

Netflix fans Esoteric could be pulling the plug on the show’s dedicated subreddit following major leaks related to the upcoming season 2. In recent days, full episodes of Esoteric Season 2 began circulating online after a massive breach at Netflix resulted in the leak of several shows from the company’s animated lineup. Now, those eagerly awaiting Esoteric On Reddit they are trying to decide what should be done as a result.

In a recent post on r/Arcane, the subreddit’s moderators made it clear that anyone who simply asks for leaks of Esoteric Season 2 would be banned for several days. Those who leak, or even pretend to leak, spoilers of Esoteric will then be banned from the subreddit in perpetuity. Beyond that, moderators have opened a poll asking frequent users of the subreddit whether or not the entire forum should be closed to ensure spoilers cannot occur.

“We can shut down sites to boycott leaks… a crude but effective measure,” the post about the situation said. “That would be the best way to let people know there are leaks and to be careful, and to eliminate any possibility of trolls creating throwaway accounts and finding workarounds to leak and spoil the surprise for unsuspecting readers. (…) We don’t want memes about leaks, telling people not to share leaks, nothing about leaks. We want to pretend they don’t exist and wait for the official release, but that’s hard when we have to keep seeing information reported and make a decision.”

At the time of writing, the Esoteric The subreddit is essentially split down the middle on what should be done. The poll hosted on the subreddit is currently in favor of keeping it open, with 717 users voting for that option. Those in favor of closing the subreddit are now 701. So it seems like the platform will remain open for the time being, which could make it a difficult site to navigate in the months to come.

As for Esoteric Netflix has yet to announce an official return date for season 2, outside of a broad window of November 2024. Netflix has, however, released a statement on the breach itself and says it is looking to “aggressively” remove these leaks from the internet.