
Union Announces Historic Strike Action for UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary Officers

Union Announces Historic Strike Action for UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary Officers

Nautilus International, the union representing officers in the UK’s Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), has confirmed that members will be engaging in a day of strike action tomorrow, Thursday 15th August 2024.

The unprecedented strike is a response to a government offer that the union says is falling far below the rate of inflation.

The union has been calling for a consolidated pay raise in line with inflation and a clear pathway to pay restoration. The RFA, staffed by civilian personnel and owned by the UK Ministry of Defence, plays a crucial role in providing logistical and operational support to the Royal Navy and other UK armed forces.

Nautilus members will be present near Cammell Laird shipyard in Birkenhead, Whale Island in Portsmouth, and Portland in Dorset.

The strike follows a period of member action short of strike since June 1st. In April, members voted overwhelmingly for both action short of strike and strike action amid frustrations over an imposed 4.5% pay offer for 2023/24. The union said the offer falls significantly below the rate of inflation, equating to a real terms pay cut of over 30% since 2010, and comes alongside a recruitment and retention crisis in the service.

This marks the first time in the history of the FRG that officers will undertake strike action.

“Our members are fed up. For too long, the RFA, the Royal Navy, and the Ministry of Defense have relied on the goodwill of our members to carry out essential operations. The pay offer for 2023/24 and the real term pay cut of over 30% since 2010 has made this goodwill no longer tenable,” said Martyn Gray, Nautilus director of organizing.

Gray continued, “The key message from our members is simple: they are overworked, underpaid, and undervalued. The only way to resolve this dispute is with a pay offer that recognizes the high rate of inflation and begins a pathway to pay restoration. This strike will make history, but not in a good way for an already crippled RFA. Nautilus is committed to finding a resolution as quickly as possible, but we will not allow our members to be taken for granted any longer.”

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