
Letter: To uphold the Constitution, stop voting for the GOP | Letters

Letter: To uphold the Constitution, stop voting for the GOP | Letters

Politicians love to express their respect for the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Often, their actions have a different effect. Republicans suggest exclusive autonomy with the Founders, but undermine the spirit and foundation of our Constitution. They created a Supreme Court that abandons the people to the rich, giving them control, power, and more wealth. By buying political control, the rich impose their will on the people. That is not democracy.

Under his mercantile system, the king forbade the colonies from manufacturing goods or conducting trade, imposing a monopoly on them. The colonists wanted to be free to manufacture goods to sell and export. The king prevented them from doing so. In their quest for happiness, the colonists formed a new government. They revolted, won independence, designed a government with limited executive power, and freed themselves from British trade. By creating presidential immunity, the Supreme Court restored a king. It also protects monopolies. It has taken us back to pre-revolutionary times. Why a revolution?

A constitutional government is like a newborn baby. To survive, it needs good faith efforts and the good will of others. The Founders had good faith and shared good will. Today’s Republican Party has few members of good faith or good will. They have not made a good faith effort to govern since Ronald Reagan. When they govern, they prefer policies that have the worst outcomes for the people and the best outcomes for the wealthy. They swore to protect the Constitution. When Donald Trump threatened it, they abandoned our three separate but equal branches of government. In unison, they bow to Trump’s every whim.

Republicans demand that Supreme Court appointees demonstrate corruption when they are confirmed. Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett eagerly complied. They were corrupt in spirit and law when they said the courts had settled Roe v. Wade. This dishonestly implied that they would not overturn it. They lied. It is no surprise that Justices Thomas and Alito have engaged in corrupt practices. Republicans have made it a condition of employment.

Republican state and federal governments have eroded Fifth Amendment rights to due process. They and their judiciary have gutted civil and voting rights. They have engineered the revocation of women’s right to choose. They are interfering with women’s health and their doctors. Soon they will erode or eliminate Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. They will impose more personal beliefs on people against our will. They will ignore public safety to make gun control less restrictive. They will dictate what schools teach, choose books for libraries, and destroy the environment. They will destroy policies that benefit people. Why? They do it because the wealthy few pay them to do it. Why? Our Supreme Court has declared that money is free speech and politicians are immune from bribery laws.

Do something patriotic. Do something important like the Founding Fathers did. Do something like the brave souls buried in Arlington Cemetery did. We all have a duty to support the Constitution. Do your duty. Support the Founders. Affirm the Constitution when you vote. Stop voting Republican.

Joseph Sciarillo
