
Buff Bagwell recounts WCW locker room reaction to controversial world champion – TJR Wrestling

WCW’s final creative decisions remain a subject of heated debate among wrestling fans, with one of the most controversial decisions being the crowning of Hollywood actor David Arquette as WCW World Heavyweight Champion. This unexpected decision shocked many and continues to draw criticism within the wrestling community.

Former WCW star Buff Bagwell shed some light on the atmosphere in the WCW locker room during Arquette’s reign during an appearance on Jake’s “Snake Pit” podcast “The Snake »Roberts. Bagwell questioned whether the wrestlers could have influenced or prevented the decision, acknowledging the widely held belief that it was an ill-advised decision.

David Arquette was our world heavyweight champion. But again, that was above my pay grade. Who could I bring that to?

Bagwell questioned, pointing out the lack of avenues of dissent within the organization at the time. Bagwell recounted his discussions with other members of the roster, including wrestling icons like Lex Luger, Sting and Kevin Nash. The consensus was one of disbelief and helplessness, with no one feeling able to challenge the controversial decision.

I remember talking to Lex and Sting about it and then hearing the Nash rumors and everyone’s opinion was that it was crazy, it was out of control and no one knew what to do about it.

Despite the shared discontent, Bagwell admitted that he did not have a close relationship with Arquette, emphasizing the professional and cordial nature of their interactions. Additionally, he revealed that the WCW roster was hoping for an eventual acquisition of the company by Eric Bischoff, a rumor that circulated as a glimmer of optimism amid the creative chaos.

How did The Rock react to Vince Russo’s arrival at WCW?

The Rock spoke about his reaction to Vince Russo leaving WWE for WCW and said he was happy for Russo. The Rock pointed out that due to the nature of professional wrestling, people leave to join different companies all the time and that Russo was simply doing what was best for him and his family at that time, so he had no resentment towards her.

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