
Sick Of It All talks European tour cancellation, Lou Koller has esophageal tumor

I am fed up with everything recently had to cancel their upcoming European tour and many fans were wondering why. To clarify things, the group shared a video statement from the singer Lou Koller explaining that doctors found a tumor in his esophagus that extends into his stomach. Koller will have to undergo treatment all summer, but has the full support of the group.

Koller shared via video:

What’s up everyone, Lou here.

As you may know, we had to cancel our entire European tour this summer. There are rumors circulating about the reasons for this decision and we are here to set the record straight. But we wanted to wait until we had all the information before making an announcement.

The reason it’s cancelled is because they found a tumor in my esophagus that goes into my stomach and I’m going to have to have treatment all summer and of course full support to the band, as soon as they heard it they ‘forget the tour’, just be healthy’.

You know, we’re not happy about this seriously, like I said, they’re all behind me staying home and so are we. We’re really sorry, I’m sorry to the fans. Our whole team was counting on, you know, another fun summer together, all the promoters, but everyone who’s in the know has been very supportive and now everyone knows.

So that’s the reason, no other reason you’ve heard is true, that’s the truth. So yeah, just thank you for all your support and I hope we get through this and see you again at the end of the summer, or maybe winter.

Take care of yourself.