
Shelton Benjamin recently revealed a shocking incident from his career | WWE News

The former WWE star opened up about a racist segment he was involved in during his time in WWE, describing his feelings as “completely disgusted.” Benjamin expressed a strong desire to move on from this incident, emphasizing its disturbing nature and the significant impact it had on him.

Here’s a full look at Shelton Benjamin’s recent remarks on racism during his WWE tenure.
WWE has previously been criticized for depicting racist stereotypes and making fun of certain racial groups on its programming. Recently, Benjamin discussed a segment in his career involving Yoshi Tatsu, where he imitated the Japanese star. Benjamin expressed regret over his portrayal of Tatsu before their match on an episode of ECW and wishes he could erase him from the history of his career.

Shelton Benjamin posted on social media platform X, saying: “If there’s one thing I could erase from my career, it’s this. I’m disgusted by this racist incident. I’m relieved that the outcome was my character getting hit in the head and losing. #racismsucks”

Before the match, Benjamin bowed mockingly to the crowd and Yoshi Tatsu. That night, Tatsu gained the upper hand, quickly defeating Benjamin with a kick to the head.

Benjamin, who was released by WWE last year, was formerly a member of The Hurt Business faction. MVP, the group’s frontman, recently suggested that racial prejudice had prevented the popular group from reuniting. Many other wrestlers, such as Lio Rush and Jordan Myles, have also criticized WWE for its racial inequality.

Racism appears to be a recurring issue in WWE, as highlighted by former WWE staff writer Britney Abrahams, who filed a lawsuit against WWE and Vince McMahon in 2023. She alleged discrimination and raised concerns about racist and sexist comments made backstage at WWE.

A few months after his release from WWE, Shelton Benjamin spoke with What Culture Wrestling’s Simon Miller and shared his plans. Benjamin said:

“My immediate plan is to let loose a little and see what happens, see what life has to offer. For seven years I was with WWE, and I was with them for ten years before that. So for now, I’m in no rush. I’m keeping my options open. I can’t say anyone is more favorite than another, but I want to come back to the UK. I’m going back to Australia, where I’m going to participate in an event there. »

Benjamin is one of the most respected veterans in the ring. He joined the main team in the spring of 2002 and was in the same OVW class as Brock Lesnar, Batista, John Cena and Randy Orton.