
Cathie and Tricia shocked by their triumph at the Race Across the World

Race Across the World’s Cathie Rowe and Tricia Sail were left in “disbelief” after winning the BBC show.

The childhood friends overcame the odds to win the show’s £20,000 prize, with Cathie admitting she was shocked by their success, after reaching the final checkpoint in Newfoundland, Canada, ahead of their younger rivals.

Cathie, 50, said on the show: “I’m absolutely thrilled, I feel total joy mixed with a little bit of disbelief. I’m overwhelmed, it’s unbelievable. I think it’s the best way to say thank you to all the people in Canada who helped us get here. It’s just unreal.”

Cathie and Tricia travelled across Canada, the second largest country in the world, to win the £20,000 prize.

And Tricia, who suffers from a degenerative eye disease, admitted she was amazed by their success.

She said: “When we got there and opened the book, we were in disbelief. After spending five and a half hours that first day stuck in Stanley Park, I don’t know how we got there first.”

Cathie explained that her experience in Canada has already encouraged her to travel more.

The TV star revealed she went on a rainforest hike in Thailand after returning from the show.

She joked: “I’m more interested in exploring a little bit more and seeing a little bit more, rather than just lying on the beach.”

Cathie and Tricia approached the show with a clear strategy and, shortly before reaching the finish line, they felt confident they would take home the victory.

Cathie said at the time: “We feel like we’re in a really strong financial position.

“Our plan was to make sure we had some money left over for taxis if needed for the last leg.”